Knowband PrestaShop Mobile Login addon | OTP Verification Addon

Views: 1516 Added Date: 20 November 2018 Natalie T Like

Prevent potential frauds and fake registration on your website with Knowband's PrestaShop Mobile Login addon. Allow store users to register and login to your eCommerce website effortlessly and with zero hassles. PrestaShop Mobile Login addon implements secure OTP based login and registration process for the online users. Most of the people today use their mobile phone for an added convenience. Therefore mobile login becomes crucially important for the store merchants to achieve high sales as well provide improved store experience to their customers. Mobile OTP verification is by far the best customer authentication way for eCommerce sites.

Lets us understand this mobile login module better in detail with the list of features discussed below.

Mobile Registration and Login Addon features

1. Activate/deactivate the functionality of PrestaShop Mobile Login plugin separately for login and registration page via mobile OTP verification.
2. PrestaShop Mobile Login extension allows you to set minimum and maximum limit for mobile number length that can be entered by the user during registration.
3. Prestashop Customer Mobile Verification module sends a registration success notification to the user.
4. Prestashop Mobile Login module allows registrations without using an email ID but requires a phone number in that case.
5. PrestaShop Mobile Login extension performs customer identity verification based on the OTP sent to the user mobile number.
6. Knowband's Mobile registration and login addon assign a temporary email ID to the new users who have registered via mobile number.
7. PrestaShop Mobile Login module lets you change the domain name of the email address.
8. The mobile OTP login module gives an option to set email field as required field for the users when registering on the store.
9. Customers can login to the website using a mobile number and password.
10. Admin can enable/disable mobile number verification from the backend. If this is enabled then the verified customer can directly login using their mobile number.
11. PrestaShop Mobile Login plugin adds login via OTP option for the verified users.
12. Knowband's Login by mobile phone number module sends a notification to the user regarding their order updates.
13. Mobile registration and login addon is flawlessly compatible with multiple languages, multiple stores, and SSL enabled websites.
14. Prestashop Customer Mobile Verification module provides a user-friendly interface to the store customers.
15. Admin can configure SMS Gateway Settings as per their site requirements. They can ask help from the Knowband developer team if they require.
16. With PrestaShop Mobile Login addon, you can set the OTP length, OTP message, OTP expiration time, OTP request limit, and OTP attempt limit from the admin interface.
17. This Mobile registration and login addon allows you to set the activation time for the resend button.
18. New OTP requests or incorrect OTP attempts can be blocked by the admin using Mobile registration and login addon.

PrestaShop Mobile Login addon
PrestaShop Mobile Login module User Manual
Admin Demo
Front Demo

In case of any related queries or customization requests for PrestaShop Mobile Login module, feel free to contact at

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